Issue 12 4 August
From the Principal's Desk
COVID-19 Update
As you are aware the Chief Health Officer has called a lockdown for 11 Queensland Local Government Areas (LGAs). This lockdown has now been extended to Sunday 8th August. The affected LGA’s are’
- City of Brisbane
- City of Gold Coast
- City of Ipswich
- Lockyer Valley Regional Council
- Logan City
- Moreton Bay Region
- Noosa Shire Council
- Redland City
- Scenic Rim Regional Council
- Somerset Regional Council
- Sunshine Coast Regional Council.
Students who have visited an impacted LGA since 1am Saturday 31st July should not attend school for the length of the lockdown period. They should remain at home and follow the requirements of the lockdown These students will be supported with resources for learning from home from Tuesday 3rd August. The exception to this is students of essential workers and students considered as vulnerable. Please contact the office on 4160 4333 as soon as possible if your child will be staying home due to the QLD Health Orders.
We all have a role to play to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community. If you or any members of your household develop symptoms or feel unwell, please isolate and get tested. Please do not send your child to school if they are exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms. Please also visit the Queensland Health website for further information;
Parent-Teacher Interviews
Parents & carers are invited to book a Parent-Teacher interview this term. I strongly encourage you to make an appointment to see your child’s teacher. Research shows that student outcomes are enhanced when there is strong engagement between school and home. Notes will be coming home very soon with information about how you can book a Parent-Teacher interview.
Prep Transition
Do you have a child who starts Prep in 2022?
Our school undertakes an extensive Prep transition program, to support students and families that are moving into Prep in 2022. This starts next week with our Prep Play Afternoon from 4-5pm. Please see the full program which is included in this newsletter. Parents do not need to engage in the entire program, just come along to a session that suit your schedule.
From the Deputy Principal's Desk
From the Guidance Officer
On 30th July 2021, we had a Pyjama Day!
The purpose of this event was to raise awareness for our friends who are living in out of home care. The school community collected $270.00 on the day. We will gift this to Partners in Foster Care, who are an organisation doing important work for South Burnett families. As a school with several students living in out of home care, we know how valuable this service is. Thanks to all who participated, hopefully you stayed comfy and warm all day.
Kind Regards
Mrs. Jennifer Davies
Guidance Officer
Darling Downs South West Region Student Services
P: (07) 4160 4314
M: 0450 011 065
Based: Kingaroy SS | PO BOX 326 | Kingaroy QLD 4610
Inspiring minds. Creating opportunities. Shaping Queensland’s future.
Talking Families AUGUST 2021
Keeping the ball in the air
Book Week is coming: four words that can evoke panic in any parent. Visions come to mind of children convincingly dressed as superheroes, sporting icons and princesses, while you’re not sure if your child should claim to be a ghost, an angel or maybe a Jedi knight—a bedsheet can be versatile.
Do you wonder how some parents juggle it all—work, school, home life, and washing, washing, and more washing—and still manage to create a picture-perfect Book Week costume… two days ahead of the parade?
Whether it’s the night before the event and you’ve just read the reminder in last week’s school newsletter or you’ve been swamped with work and haven’t given it a thought, does it sometimes feel like you’re always dropping the ball? Or do you sometimes feel like you never caught it in the first place?
Well, you’re not alone. Every parent has those moments where you feel like you’re the only one who hasn’t figured the whole parent thing out. Comparing yourself to everyone else seems to be part of the human condition, particularly when things don’t go so well. Sometimes these observations can be helpful in learning new ways of parenting, but sometimes they can lead to feelings of guilt and anxiety.
Sound familiar? The good news is we can do a few things to reframe our thinking:
Be kind to yourself. Appreciate that parenting can be challenging. Focussing on our strengths can be a positive way to reduce feelings of inadequacy and help us feel more confident.
Be realistic. The list of tasks a parent ticks off every day is extensive and it would be impossible to give the gold-star treatment to each one, let alone be an expert in every aspect of parenting. Setting realistic expectations of ourselves can help to reduce those negative feelings.
Ask for help. Reach out to friends and family for help when we are stretched for time or need support, advice or expertise. Our support networks can be great places to outsource activities we need help with. If things are getting on top of you, a search of can help you find support in your local area. Or get in touch with the wonderful people at Parentline for a chat.
So, yes, Book Week is coming, but don’t despair. If costume making isn’t your forte, do your best, then get busy doing the things you can nail: kick the footy with the kids, snuggle up and tell them a great story, or sizzle up some sausages just the way they love ’em.
And believe it or not, someone out there will be admiring you from afar, wondering just how you do it.
At the end of term 2 we held our inter-house athletics carnival. Students across all year levels competed in events such as sprints, relays, long jump, shot put, discus and high jump. A big thank you to our Sports Captains who helped run our Junior Athletics Events. Our younger students loved participating in modified versions of the athletic events and are shaping up to become athletic superstars in the future. This year’s house points were some of the highest seen in many years which demonstrates the fantastic level of participation from students across all year levels. Congratulations to Markwell House for winning the athletics competition!!!
Over 35 of our senior students were fortunate enough to be invited to compete in the South Burnett Athletics Trials and eight students will now be competing in the Wide Bay Trials in the coming weeks. Good luck to Tiahna Boothby, Patterson , Bryansen Philips-Petersen, Harlee Donald, Lucas Scott, Koby and Izack.
South Burnett Athletics
Visit by Registered Nurse for Free Prep Vision Screening
Good vision is important for a child’s educational, physical and social development. Vision screening checks for common eye conditions that may impact your child’s ability to see and therefore impact their learning and development.
A Registered Nurse will be visiting the school on Monday 18th October 2021 to conduct vision screening for children in their prep year. Your child does not need a Medicare card in order to participate in screening. If you wish to have your prep child participate in this free vision screening program, please complete the consent form Online by Friday 27 August, also a paper copy of the consent form was sent home with prep student for parents to complete if you are unable to do access it online. Parents do not need to be present for screening, however if you would like to be, please contact the school to arrange this.
If your child’s vision is screened, you will be advised of the results in writing. If a vision concern is found, you will receive a phone call from the nurse to discuss referral to an eye health professional for further assessment. If a vision concern is identified and your child requires glasses, eligible health care card holders may be assisted with free basic glasses through the Spectacle Supply Scheme.
Participation in vision screening is not compulsory. If you do not wish for your child to participate in screening, please complete the consent form and indicate that you wish to decline screening.
If you have any questions, please contact the Primary School Nurse Health Readiness Program on 1800 687 372.
From the P & C
Hello All,
The P&C have been working hard this last couple of weeks to get the ball rolling on some super cool ideas to improve our school grounds and it seems as though everyone is keen to be on board.
In this current climate of the world in which we live there is almost a sense of urgency to teach our kids the value of nature and the wildlife which co-inhabits it, the eco-systems which run through it, the trees which support the life on it and how we as a community can do our bit to help nourish it for the sake of their future.
To take the first step in creating this school community we have been talking and collaborating with the Principal (Mr T) and members from Landcare to come up with a student friendly program to get the kids involved in learning about the importance of our gardens. This may include the importance of soil and the little critters that inhabit it, how to help plants and trees to grow and thrive, and what the flow on effects of this will be.
The aim is for them to have loads of fun in the garden and learn at the same time. And, the school will look beautiful as a result. Hooray!
We are hoping to get this underway as soon as possible.
Now onto other matters...
Fathers Day is fast approaching and the P&C will be hosting a Fathers Day stall in Week 8 for all students to purchase a gift for dad.
We welcome any donations towards the stall as well as volunteers to help run it. More information will be provided closer to the date.
Thank goodness for the tuckshop! Isn’t that what we all say to ourselves at 9 o’clock on Thursday night when we are all exhausted and have no idea what to pack in the kids’ lunchbox tomorrow morning?
Yep. It may get the load off our back. But our lovely tuckshop vendor doesn’t get out of it so easily. Did you know that all of her helping hands to get our children’s tuckshop prepared and organised come from volunteers?
Yes... that means us. We need to be those volunteers. Even if it is just a couple of hours here or there or just one day a term. Many hands make light work as they say. So please... if you can lend a hand, I am sure Chris would be exceptionally grateful.
P&C Meeting
Just to finish off I wanted to remind you all of our next meeting to be held next Wednesday 11th August at 6pm in the school Library.
Please come along! It is a fantastic opportuntiy to connect to other parents as well as the school and to have your say.
Here are some other great reasons to join the P&C
- It’s a great way to get to know people in the school community.
- You get to hear the reports from the Principal and the School Board representative, which give you a lot of information on what’s happening in the school, and a chance to ask questions.
- You get to have a say in how your fundraising money is spent.
- It gives you a strong connection to the school and a new network of people who care about the school, now and into the future.
Also, our current secretary has recently admitted she lacks the time required to fulfill her role. If you think this might be the job for you, your nomination will be gladly welcomed at the meeting.
Here is a quick overview of the Secretary position,
- Attends every meeting and keeps a record of all business conducted at meetings
- Prepares meeting agendas in consultation with president, emails agenda and minutes to all members
- Collects and tables all correspondence
Please feel free to contact me at any time on any matters concerning our P&C
Have a great week!
Karmen Cleveland (President) 0493105595
Candice Braithwaite (Vice President)
Sharon Dale (Treasurer)
Kristen Vickery (Assistant Treasurer)
Sam Hartshorn (Secretary)
NAIDCO Activities
NAIDOC Activities
Our NAIDOC Activities were on Friday 23rd July 2021. We started the day with a parade where the Cherbourg Aboriginal Dancers performed. They created their own music by using clap sticks and a digeridoo. Each dance had a different meaning and was very entertaining. They were great.
During the day each year level was involved in a variety of activities organised by their teachers. Some of the activities included weaving, painting rocks or snakes, splatter painting, singing songs and using clap sticks.
Wakka Wakka Dancers
Homework Club
Homework Club- Starting SOON
Our new Homework Club will be starting soon. The proposed day and times are as follows:
- Monday, 3:05 - 4:05: Prep and Year 1
- Wednesday, 3:05 - 4:05: Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4
- Thursday, 3:05 - 4:05: Year 5 and 6.
Which session each year level attends may change depending on final numbers. If you would like your child to attend please return the registration form by Friday 6th of August.
Bookweek Activities
BOOKWEEK – Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds
Timetable of Events
PJ Night in the Sports Hall Monday 23rd August 6.00 – 7.30pm.
Come and enjoy an evening with children in their pyjamas as they listen to stories from teachers. Bring a blanket and pillow to make yourself comfortable and warm. Afterwards there is hot milo and our fabulous book store officially opens.
Book Week Monday 23rd August to Friday 27th August.
Book fair will be in Resource Centre all week and will be open each morning before school from 8.30 – 8.55, first break and until 3.30 each afternoon after school. Student and parents are most welcome during these times to purchase items.
Grandparents/Carers/Elder’s Day Thursday the 26th August
9.30am – 1.30 pm
Starting at 9.30am, in the Resource Centre, it is a perfect opportunity to engage with your grandchildren/children reading a short story, and reminiscing as you examine the many old items on display from yesteryear. Afterwards there is coffee/tea and biscuits and a time to catch up with old friends.
Book Week parade on Friday 27th August. 9.15 am - 10.15am
All students are encouraged to dress up and participate in our Book Week Parade. It is a fun time for students and staff.
All costumes preferably to be based on a book or the theme for this year. Never has there been such a diverse theme to base your costumes on. Let your imagination run wild, the possibilities are endless for your costume design!
PJ EVENING – Sport Hall
RSVP to the office by FRIDAY 20th August - PLEASE
I _____________________________(grandparent/caregiver/elder’s name) will be attending
The PJ’s, warm Milo and Bedtime Story Evening to Launch Book Week and the KSS Bookfair on MONDAY EVENING (August 23rd) from 6.00 to 7.30 pm with my child/ren __________________________ (class)_____________
__________________________ (class)_____________
__________________________ (class)_____________
Signed: __________________________________
Grandparents/Elders/Carer’s Day - Thursday 26th August 2021 - Resource Centre
It’s that time of term again! We are excited to invite the Grandparents/Elders/Carers of our wonderful students into our school library for a fun half hour of reading aloud to their grandchildren/children. We will have a great selection of fantastic kid’s literature laid out and ready for you all to share!
There will also be a display of items from days gone by, a chance for you to share and reminisce with your grandchild/child.
In order to have room for everyone in our library, we have staggered the times we would like the Grandparents/Elders and Carers of students to arrive.
Grandchildren, PLEASE invite your Grandparents/Elders/Carers to come and share a book with you on Thursday 26th August 2021 at the following times.
Prep Students 9.30 - 10.00
Year One Students 10.00 - 10.30
Year Two Students 10.30 - 11.00
Year Three Students 12.00 -12.30
Year Four Students 12.30 - 1.00
Years Five and Six Students 1.00 - 1.30
Tell your Grandparents/Elders/Carers you’ll meet them AT THE LIBRARY DOOR at the specified time and afterwards they can walk you back to your classroom and see where you learn everyday.
As an extra treat, Grandparents/Elders/Carers are invited back to the library for a refreshing cup of tea/coffee and biscuits.
In the interests of knowing who is coming when, please fill in the RSVP slip below and return it to your child’s teacher as soon as possible.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------RSVP Friday 20th August 2021
I _____________________________________________will attend
‘Grandparents/Elders/Carer’s Read Day’ on Thursday, 26 August 2021 with my grandchild/ren / child
SIGNED: ________________________________