Issue 11 17 July 2024
From the Principal's Desk
Welcome to Term 3.
As we cross the half-way mark in the school year, it is timely to refocus on our core work for 2024. Literacy Learning, best achieved by attending school regularly, school wellbeing by following school expectations based around RESPECT - for Learning, Ourselves and Others, Property and Environment.
We really hit the ground running in Week 1 with NAIDOC Week. Our students really did 'shine' at both our community and school NAIDOC events, which were extremely well-supported by family and friends of our great school. Even our Mayor was in attendance and spoke highly of the quality of our NAIDOC school program. We would like to say a big thank you Steph Beaumont for coordinating donations for our Sauage Sizzle giving up her spare time to support our school.
Winter has certainly set in now, so a gentle reminder to send your little ones in with a warm jumper, preferably a school or plain blue one. Tracksuit pants are fine, too. We are getting quite a number of items in lost property without names, so please take a few minutes to write your child's name on lunchboxes, and clothing items.
This term we welcome Hannah Carty to Kingaroy SS. Hannah will replace Sarah Brookes, who is on maternity leave at the end of Week 3. Joy James returned to duties this term in Prep, replacing Deb Smith. Welcome back, Joy!
This term Paul Bales replaced Graham Howell, who is on leave. Paul has been doing a wonderful job around the school as I am sure you can all see. The renewal of our existing gardens is a focus, so if you have time to volunteer a helping hand at any time, and you have a Blue Card, pop on up and say hello.
From the Deputy Principal
Welcome back to what is going to be an exciting and action-packed Term 3. It has been great seeing students settling back into their classroom and playground routines as teachers focus on the 3Rs – Respect for Learning, Respect for Self and Others and Respect for Property and the Environment. We have also been focusing on rebooting our Leap into Learning. This involves students learning and mastering school routines and expectations. The school has been a calm and orderly place to start the term with lots of great learning happening in every classroom.
Before School Procedures - A friendly reminder that the first school bell rings at 8.50am. There is no designated supervision of students before 8.30am. Students who arrive at school prior to 8.30am are asked to sit down in the Covered Play Area until they are dismissed at 8.30am.
P&C Meeting - Our first P&C meeting for Term 3 is happening tonight at 6pm in the library. We have a great P&C team who actively support our school. We are always looking for new people to be involved with this committee and are currently looking for someone to fill the role of Secretary. All parents and community members are invited to come along and be part of our P&C.
NAIDOC – Last week we celebrated NAIDOC week and what an amazing way to start Term 3. We were fortunate enough to be part of the celebrations in the park and had a wonderful day here Friday. A huge thank you to the parents, Kingaroy State School staff and community members who came and helped on the day. Without your support this event would not have been possible. A special mention to Toni Phillips-Petersen and her Kingaroy High School students who went above and beyond to make sure the celebrations were a success.
Class News PT
It has been a very busy but exciting start to Term 3 in Prep T! We started the term celebrating 100 days of school. We got to wear our brightest clothes to school as part of our celebration and completed lots of 100 themed activities throughout the day including trying to stack 100 cups.
Throughout week 1 we also celebrated NAIDOC week across the school. On the Friday we participated in lots of exciting NAIDOC activities at school including painting and throwing boomerangs, engaging with Indigenous artifacts and face painting.
Over the coming weeks we will be retelling and sequencing the events of these experiences to support our English unit for this term. We can't wait to see what the rest of term 3 will bring for Prep T.
Kind regards,
Photos from PT
Recycling News
At the end of last term, we had our second Grand Draw. Three lucky winners received gift vouchers to spend at Big W. Ten other students chose prizes from our donated gifts.
We also awarded prizes for the poster competition. The posters promoted recycling in our school. The winners were Archer, Reeya, Laetitia, Jax, Annabelle, Korah and Jasmine. Runners up were Neve, Brian, Lilly, Detroit, Harper, Evelyn, Ella, Liam, Iylah, Alannah, Savannah-Rose and Faith. Congratulations to you all and to all the other students who designed posters. We will soon display them around the school.
We are still collecting recycling from home every Wednesday and will continue to have grand draws in week 5 and 10 of each term. Today we had a student bring in recycling for the first time and another student who has brought in a bag every week since we started.
Some students were interviewed about their recycling. Andrew said that it was the first time he has brought in recycling and he wanted to save the environment. Magenta said that mum helps her because there is lots and she just wants to help the environment.
We also had a letter from a student in a different school who has heard about the great work we are doing at our school.
Hi, my name is Zoey. I am in Year 6 and go to Annandale North Public School in Sydney. I heard about the Containers for Change Program and am very impressed by your school. It’s very nice to see students in a school who care so much for the planet. I read that you are one of the top schools in Queensland and have raised lots of money and have done loads of recycling. At our school we just do composting and a worm farm. Maybe you could try these too. I think recycling is a great way to educate the younger generation. You guys can be proud of yourselves. I am going to take this amazing idea back to my school and hope we can start this too. Keep recycling and keep earning money for your school!
We would like to do a big shout out to Aldi, Woolworths and IGA for their kind donations for our NAIDOC celebrations. Also, a big thank you to Vicki for manning the kitchen and Jason and Paul for cooking the barbeque.