Issue 5 27 March 2024
From the Principal's Desk
Thank You
It has been a pleasure to see the amazing work that has been happening around Kingaroy State School during Term 1. Congratulations to the students for their learning and engagement in classroom and school activities. Thank you to the school staff for their efforts in driving our school improvement agenda. Thanks also to the parents, we are grateful for your continued support and the support you provide your students on their learning journey. We wish all families a safe and restful break.
School Priority Reading – Last Comic Standing
For some holiday fun, take time to read comic strips with your children. Share favourites from your own childhood and have your child put their favourites on the fridge. Read them aloud, and often - repetition is a great way to build reading skills.
Open Day
It was great to see so many families attend our Open Afternoon. We hope you enjoyed the student performances and the opportunity to see your student’s learning environment. We are hoping to make this a more regular occurrence and would love any feedback families may have.
Rewards Parade
Rewards Parade was held on Wednesday the 27March. It was wonderful to be able to celebrate the outstanding behaviour displayed by our students this term, and they are to be congratulated on their efforts. Our focus this fortnight has been on “Bucket Filling” and this event definitely ticked the bucket filling box!
Classroom News - Prep B
This has been an amazing term where we began to learn what school is all about- from the routines of lining up, where to eat and how to make friends in the playground to the sounds the letters make.
Around our School
Cross Country- Russell overall winners
Age Champions
2012- Storhme and Belle (absent)
2013- Sonny and Susie
2014- Slade and Violet
2015- Xavier and E
Cross Country
Silo Challenge Update
This term we have already collected 25 Peanuts for our Silo Challenge and were rewarded with 15 minutes of free class time. We are well on our way to collecting the next 25. Once we reach 50 Peanuts there will be another whole school reward. This should be achieved in the first few weeks of next term. Peanuts are given when the whole class is caught following the school expectations, or when a class achieves its attendance goal. This term, classes have collected 420 peanuts. Well done!
Breakfast Club News
As Term 1 comes to an end, we would again like to thank those in the community who have contributed to the school being able to provide breakfast to our students 5 days a week. Whether it’s grabbing a cup of cereal because you didn’t have time for breakfast at home, having some toast or banana milk and chatting with your friends or lining up for a toastie because they are so yummy, Breakfast Club is the place you will find many smiling faces each morning. We would like to thank The Rotary Club of Kingaroy for their donations of bread and continued support in many ways, Woolworths for our weekly fruit supply, South Burnett Dental for your continued donation and Mr Walters, who this term supplied watermelons which were very quickly devoured when they were available. Without the contributions of these community members and our school staff we would not be able to continue providing this important service to our students.
Easter Egg Guessing WOW
Congratulation to Samara who had the closest guess to the correct number of Easter Eggs in the container. The correct answer was 491……Samara guessed 498. Well done and thank you to Mrs Cullen for organising this very popular WOW.
P & C News
Introducing the executive committee for 2024.
President: Shaun Bliesner
Secretary: Evalyn Thompson
Treasurer: Amy Turner
Internal Fundraising Coordinator: Jodie Luscombe
We are still looking to fill the Vice President role and Fundraising Coordinator.
The P & C will be holding a Mother's Day stall on the 8th and 9th of May. All classes will get the opportunity to attend and the stall will stay open both days until 3:30pm for parents to attend with eftpos available for after school purchases.
Dates to Remember
Thursday 28th March | Last day of Term 1 |
Monday 15th April | First day of Term 2 |
Thursday 25th April | Anzac Day Public Holiday |
Monday 6th May | Labour Day Public Holiday |
Wednesday 8th May | Mother's Day Stall |
Thursday 9th May | Mother's Day Stall |