Issue 1 31 January 2024
From the Principal's Desk
Welcome back to what is going to be an exciting and action-packed Term 1. It has been great seeing students settling back into their classroom and playground routines as teachers focus on the 3Rs – Respect for Learning, Respect for Self and Others and Respect for Property and the Environment. The school has been a calm and orderly place to start the year with lots of great learning happening in every classroom.
Welcome new and returning staff - Please join me in warmly welcoming Mrs Shannon Larson and Mrs Robyn Rutley to our school. Mrs Larson is our Acting Deputy Principal and Mrs Rutley is teaching Year 6. It is a pleasure to have them join our team of teachers. I’d also like to warmly welcome back Mrs Rachael Milliner, Mrs Brooke Bailey, Mrs Sharon Madden and Mrs Tammie Eriksen who are returning to our school from leave.
School Review – This is an opportunity to have your say. Our school is scheduled for a review from Monday 5th of February to Thursday 8th of February. The Department of Education regularly reviews the teaching and learning practices of Queensland State Schools. The reviews are conducted by the department’s School and Region Reviews branch and you may be asked to chat by one of the reviewers at pick up time next week. The reviews do not rate or compare schools, but provide us with independent feedback so we can continue to improve learning outcomes for students. All schools have a review at least once every 4 years. Key findings from the review will be made available to parents and the community on our school website. The review team would like to hear from the school community and I encourage anyone who is interested to have their say. Your feedback is important and will help us continue to deliver a great education for students. Feedback can be provided to the review team by phone or in person. All feedback remains confidential. Please contact the school office if you are interested in speaking to a reviewer. Alternatively, you can register your interest by emailing More information about the review process is available from the department’s website at .au.
Parade - Our first parade for 2024 on will be held on Friday at 10.35am. We warmly welcome parents and members of our community to join us during parade time to celebrate and acknowledge the amazing things happening around Kingaroy State School.
Before School Procedures - A friendly reminder that the first school bell rings at 8.50am. There is no designated supervision of students before 8.30am. Students who arrive at school prior to 8.30am are asked to sit down in the Covered Play Area until they are dismissed at 8.30am.
Have you ‘liked’ our Facebook Page? - There are a number of ways that our school communicates with families, including fortnightly newsletters, social media, email and SMS. One of the most popular ways to communicate with families is via the Kingaroy State School Facebook page. We use our school Facebook page to keep families informed about upcoming events and key dates. If you haven’t already liked our school’s Facebook page, I strongly encourage you to do so. Thank you to Mrs Sara Bliesner for the work she does keeping our community up to date.
P&C Meeting - Our first P&C meeting for 2024 is happening tonight at 6pm in the library. We have a great P&C team who actively support our school. We are always looking for new people to be involved with this committee, all parents and community members are invited to come along and be part of our P&C.
Breakfast Club - This year Breakfast Club is running 5 mornings a week. Thank you to Mrs Wendy Fairbairn for co-ordinating this as well as the teachers and Rotary volunteers who support this initiative. Breakfast is open before school and operates out of the kitchen at the Hall.
Instrumental Music - This year we welcome Ms Bianca Moffat as our Instrumental Music Teacher. Instrumental Music will be happening every Wednesday. A welcome letter will be coming home today with students. Please remind your child to bring their instrument for lessons. All Instrumental Music lessons will be happening in the Music Room.
From the Deputy Principal
Hello Kingaroy State School Community. Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Shannon Larsen and I am currently the Acting Deputy Principal at Kingaroy State School. I have really enjoyed getting to know our students and staff over these first few weeks of the term. I am inspired by the dedication and enthusiasm to teaching and learning I have seen thus far and I am excited to have this opportunity be part of such a great team. Thank you for the warm welcome and I look forward to getting to know more of our school community over the coming weeks.
Class News 2A
Welcome to another year of Year 2 in 2A! We had a fun filled first week, welcoming back old friends, and meeting some new friends. 2A worked hard to learn new classroom routines and had fun playing ice breaker games to get to know one another. We’ve spent some time learning to write on Year 2 lines and have been practicing writing the alphabet using entries and exits (pre-cursive writing). Early this week, we began looking at ‘Gratitude’ and its meaning. We made a class poster about all the things we are grateful for and then students thought of things they are grateful for in their own lives. 2A are excited for a busy term, and year, of learning and growing!
PE News
Around our School
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is back up and running. It operates from the kitchen at the hall, 5 days a week between 8.10 and 8.45am. Once again, thankyou to our wonderful helpers who turn up each week to make our toast, smoothies and toasties. Breakfast is a very important part of getting the day off to a great start and making sure that we have enough energy to fuel our brains and our bodies.
Word of the Week this week
The ability to cope and recover when something challenging or hard happens (people)
The ability to not be damaged or broken (object or substance)
Each week the whole school will be introduced to a ‘word of the week’. The students will understand the definition, how to sign it using AUSLAN and how to use it in a sentence. Word of the week would be a good conversation starter in the car on the way home. Challenge your student to use the word in a sentence during the week.
Meet our new staff for 2024
P&C News
New Summer menu. Order via QKR! or over the counter via EFTPOS.
Get in quick to order your hats for $15 to take advantage of the old price. A new order is happening soon and there will be a small price rise to cover costs.
Book Club
Book Club Issue #1 due Friday 9th February.
Welcome to Book Club 2024. A great way to get your children excited about books and reading. There are two issues each term and orders can be made by completing the form in the back of the catalogue and returning to the school office by the due date with cash. Alternatively, orders can be made online or via the Loop App. Details are included in the back of the catalogue. Issue #1 orders are due by Friday 9th February.
Dates to Remember
Wednesday 31st January | P&C Meeting 6pm @ Library |
Monday 5th February | Senior Swimming Block commences |
Wednesday 7th February | Dance Workshop @ KPAC |
Friday 23rd February | Senior Swimming Carnival |