Issue 18 8 November 2023
From The Principal's Desk
Attendance Drive
Our goal at Kingaroy State School is for a school-wide attendance rate of 90%. Currently, this sits at 84%. Attendance at school is not only compulsory for Primary school aged students, but extremely important if they are to achieve to their full potential. High attendance also correlates with better social-emotional outcomes for students, and stronger friendship groups. Our teachers spend a significant amount of time diligently planning and preparing work for our students, but this has zero benefits for your chid if they are away from school. If you are experiencing challenges getting your children to school, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Prep 2024
Do you have a child due to start Prep next year? Students who turn 5 years of age prior to June 30th are eligible. If you’d like to enrol your child in Prep, you can contact the school by calling the office at 4160 4333 or emailing us at to arrange an enrolment interview.
P&C Meeting
Our 2nd last P&C meeting for the year is happening tonight, at 6pm in the library. All parents and carers are welcome.
From the Deputy Principal
It is hard to believe it is Week 6. There has been so much happening around the school. The PBL focus this fortnight is Caring is Cool. Staff have been working together to guide students to develop an understanding of the value of caring. We have showcased 'Caring' using our 3 Respects - we care for learning when we pay attention to the tasks and give our best, we care for self and others when we speak kindly, play nicely and look after ourselves and we care for property and the environment when we put rubbish in the bin and look after our materials. We have also been discussing “Glimmers”. Ask your student to explain this concept to you and what glimmers they have experienced in their day.
South Burnett Education District School Speech Competition - This was held on the 26 October in our school library and was an exciting night showcasing some of the South Burnett’s most talented public speakers. The Year 6 students who took part in the event were required to prepare a short persuasive speech, with points being awarded to speakers based on three criteria - content, delivery and language.
Three outstanding speakers from Kingaroy State School took part in the closely contested competition. Emma Crawford worked hard to convince the audience of “Kingaroy’s water worries”, while Allyrah Damhuis had everyone contemplating ‘The dangers of social media’. Our final speaker of the evening, Milani Bannon, convinced the audience that we still have some work to do to achieve equality, sharing her thoughts on “Girl Power”.
The students did an exceptional job in front of a large audience and experienced adjudicators Ms Debbie Hails and Ms Sam Wilkie.
Message from the Guidance Officer
I am very excited to share with families that in 2024 we are embedding The Resilience Project within our school!
The Resilience Project is a whole school wellbeing program teaches and supports positive mental health in the classroom, staffroom, and wider community. The program is emotionally engaging, practical, proven to have impact through evidence-based evaluations, and is delivered in 800+ schools. The Resilience Project is also recognised as an approved wellbeing program on the Victorian, NSW and South Australian department of education wellbeing panels.
The Resilience Project centres around three key core concepts being Gratitude, Empathy, and Mindfulness – otherwise known as GEM. These three concepts will become familiar terms within our classrooms in 2024… and hopefully at home too with our young people sharing their knowledge!
We look forward to keeping families updated as we work to embed the program throughout 2024. Please keep an eye out for further information about The Resilience Project and feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or feedback.
You might like to explore the program’s website at
Class News 6C
As the end of the school year approaches, we can't help but feel a sense of excitement and pride for our Year 6 students. Graduation is just around the corner and the transition to high school is within reach. But before we say our farewells, we have a series of exciting opportunities lined up. High school transition days are on the horizon, where our students will get a taste of their future educational journey. A colour run, celebration day and graduation are also in the works, giving us all a chance to reflect on the incredible achievements of our students.
Between the rigorous assessments and hard work, it's been equally important to infuse fun into our days. We’ve enjoyed engaging in creative activities like painting and taken to the outdoors for some well earned games. We’ve also gone head to head with quizzes on Kahoot!, which has made learning and revision very entertaining.
We are excited for these final five weeks of term, where we have the chance to celebrate our students' growth and success. It's just the beginning of their journey, and I can't wait to see their continued success in high school.
Class News 6C
News from The Arts
KSS Show Team, Dance Crew, Senior and Junior Choirs
We are busy working on our performances for the End of Year concert in Week 10. Our Senior and Junior Choirs will be wearing their choir shirts and dress slacks for the performance. While, our KSS Dance crew, are updating the white choir shirts by tie-dying. They are to wear black leggings for their performance with their soon-to-be colourful shirts.
Our KSS Show Team is continuing to work on art competitions and making items for the End of Year Markets. At present, we are making teddy bears for students to buy for themselves or a loved one.
Drama Highlights in Years Prep to Year 6
Gifted and Talented Enrichment Sessions
This term, a number of Enrichment Sessions will be offered for our students, as part of our Gifted and Talented offerings at KSS. Students will be nominated by their teacher, and a letter will be sent out to let parents know of their child’s participation.
Each session is occurring on Fridays from 12-1:30 pm in J05 with guest presenters in the various fields.
Week 6 – Writing and Illustrating Children’s Books with Danielle Carige (Illustrator and Author).
Week 7 – Mathematics Fun with TBA (KSHS – Mathematics).
Week 8 – Archaeology/Museum Curation with Claudia Baxter (Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery).
Week 9 – All Things Science with Mr Jamie Shirlaw (KSHS – Science).
Mrs Danielle Carige
The Arts Teacher/Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator
Bike News from P/6N
P/6N has been fortunate to have been able to borrow bikes from the Bundaberg Toy Library. We have ridden them once a week all year and the students have gained skills and become more confident riding them as the year has progressed. We are very grateful to our Year 6 helpers too. They have made the afternoons run smoothly. We even had a visit from our Adopt-a-cop and discussed safety rules and practised obeying the traffic signals. The students look forward to riding their bikes and it’s a great activity for us all. We hope to be able to buy some bikes for 2024 so that the students can continue to develop their skills.
Bike News from P/6N
Around the School
Class Peanuts
Class Peanuts are awarded when a whole class is caught following school expectations. Peanuts are also awarded when a class meets its attendance goal for the day. A class requires 10 peanuts to fill their peanut bush and then their class organises a special reward. When the school reaches 50 peanut bushes filled, there will be a whole school reward. Currently, the whole school has collected 23 peanuts. Well Done!
Our word of the week last week was Glimmers. Glimmers are things that bring us joy and calm us.
At school we are practicing looking for Glimmers
Look for glimmers with your student and share your glimmers with others. On Friday teachers wore their best ‘glimmers’ to bring joy to their students.
P&C News
Dates to Remember
Wednesday 8th November | P&C Meeting @ 6pm in the library |
Friday 24th November | Colour Run 2pm - 3pm |
Monday 27th November | Diamond Awards Parade |
Monday 4th December | Year 6 Graduation |
Tuesday 5th December | Christmas Concert @ 9:30am |