Issue 16 11 October 2023
From the Principal's Desk
Welcome to Week 2,
Teacher/Class Preferences for 2024
Every year at Kingaroy State School, we offer parents the opportunity to meet with school staff to discuss class arrangements for your child in 2024. You may have preferences for teachers or other students who you’d like your child to be with/not be with. If you have a preference for your child in 2024, please contact the office to arrange a time to meet with me or Deputy Principal Bec Hall. Whilst we do everything we can to fulfil parental requests, this is not always organisationally possible.
Junior Swimming Block
Our school’s Junior swimming block starts next week. Kingaroy State School fully subsidises our swimming program for students; there is no cost to families. We do however ask that you help us by ensuring that your child comes to swimming days with their swimming clothes and towel. Please contact your child’s teacher or the office if you don’t have a swimming block timetable.
Wide Brimmed Hats
Now that the weather is getting warmer, it’s more important than ever that students have wide brimmed hats. We are a sun-smart school, and students need to be wearing at hat to play in areas that are not under cover. Please ensure that your child has a wide brimmed hat so they can play in all areas of the playground. Don’t hesitate to contact me if your child requires a hat.
From the Deputy Principal
A warm welcome back to all our families. I hope you had a relaxing break and are ready for a busy Term 4. This fortnight, we have been focusing on the 3 Rs – Respect for Learning, Respect for Self and Others and Respect for Property and the Environment. Challenge your child to see if they can explain why it is important to show the 3 Rs. You will be amazed with their thoughtful responses.
Year 5 Camp – At the end of last term I was fortunate enough to spend a day at Barambah Environmental Education Centre with our Year 5 campers. It was amazing to see our students thriving in an unfamiliar environment. They embraced all the challenges they were presented with and had a fantastic few days. A huge thank you to Mrs Clarissa Reilly for all the effort she put into organising camp and to all the staff who gave up their time to attend camp. Without their hard work and dedication camps like this would not be possible.
Primary Schools Cup Touch Football – Congratulations to our Primary School Cup touch football team who competed in the all-schools competition in Bundaberg. The students played brilliantly and showed fantastic team spirt. A massive thank you to Miss Wilson and Miss Humphreys for organising and coaching the team and to Mr Crawford for refereeing and supporting the team.
Concert at Kingaroy High School – There is a free concert “Back to the Future” happening at Kingaroy High School tonight. This is a great chance to see some very talented musicians perform, many of who previously attended Kingaroy State School.
Class News
After a wonderful holiday, students in 2B have had a busy start to their last term of Year 2. We have started new topics for all our subjects. In Maths, we have been investigating money. We have been looking at what coins we can use to buy certain items in a grocery store. In English, we are looking at poetry. We have been exploring rhyme, syllables and repetition so far. We will use these poetic devices to create our own poem in the coming weeks. In Science, we have been looking at different toys and their push and pull forces. We have enjoyed completing activities together to show how we can work in a team. We have a busy term ahead with many fun activities planned, including our Christmas Concert and Celebration Day.
2B Class News
PE News
This week Nellie is at the Queensland State Sports Championships being held at QSAC in Brisbane. Nellie is competing in track events after performing fantastically at the Wide Bay Trials last term. Great work Nellie!!
Swimming Timetable
Attendance Initiative
This week at Kingaroy State School, Mr T and Ms Bec have begun a daily class visit to celebrate student’s attendance at school. Each class has cooperatively selected their own daily attendance goal based on their attendance data throughout the year. If a class reaches its’ goal, then the class receives a ‘Class Peanut’. This contributes to a whole class reward which the classes earn when they reach 10 Peanuts.
Word of the Week
Do you know what confident means? Are you able to use the AUSLAN sign to say the word confident? Can your student answer these questions? Each week this term, students will be introduced to a word of the week. They will get to know how to sign the word, what it means, how to use it in a sentence and why it might be an important word to know.
This week’s word is
Word | Meaning | Sentence |
confident | to be sure to trust in yourself or someone else | The young girl was confident playing the violin in front of a large audience. |
Viv's Farm Visit
Today Preps visited Viv's Farm. Students had fun patting, cuddling and interacting with a variety of animals including goats, lambs, chickens, guinea pigs, alpacha and a rabbit. We will now be using our experiences to write about during this term.
Viv's Farm Visit
News from The Arts
What are we learning this term?
Prep – are moving from studying drama onto exploring music and using body percussion.
Year 1 and 2 – are moving from drama onto music and how music tells stories.
Year 3 and 4 – are continuing their study of drama by writing and performing their own play on rescuing an endangered Australian animal. As well, they have to reflect on their performances and how they used the elements of drama.
Year 5 and 6 – are continuing their study of drama by writing and performing their own play on a natural disaster rescue. As well, they have to write a reflection on their performances and how they used the elements of drama.
End of Year Preparations
Our Dance Crew, Junior and Senior Choirs, are working hard on their performances for our Week 10 and wider community celebrations. While, our Show Team have been creating amazing items for this year’s Kingaroy Cash End of Year Market Day. As well as, competing in a number of art competitions happening at school and throughout Queensland. The children have been absolute superstars and I cannot be prouder of their achievements, personally and competitively over this year.
Health News
P&C News
- Thank you to all the volunteers who supported the team to supervise at the Blue Light disco before the holidays, this was heaps of fun and was a great little fundraising activity.
- A big thank you to everyone who volunteered their time to support the P&C to run the canteen for the Vintage Machinery Rally on the first weekend of the holidays. This weekend was a huge success for not only the Machinery Club who put on the event but also the P&C. To see the team all work together and have some fun doing it was the biggest success. On the Saturday alone the team prepared and served over 1000 burgers and cooked just over 200kg of frozen chips. This was a great fundraiser and lots of great feedback was received from the Club and the public in regards to how well the canteen was run and the quality of the food. Well done to all involved.
- On Saturday, 21 October we have the opportunity to run the Speedway canteen in the pits from 3:00pm to 11:00pm. We need at least 8 people throughout this time. Please contact the P&C via Facebook or Email - if you can help out.
- Don't forget to Register for Colour Explosion Fun Run that is happening on the 24th November. Check out the Kingaroy State School P&C Facebook page for more details.
Dates to Remember
16th -26th October | Swimming Block |
20th October | Summer Sports Carnival |
20th October | Book Club Issue 7 is due |
27th October | Day for Daniel - dress in red |
27th October | Mini Swimming Carnival - information to come |