Issue 12 2 August 2023
From the Principal's Desk
Welcome to Week 4 of Term 3!
Uniforms: Thank you to all our families who send their children to school in full school uniform every day. Compliance with the school’s uniform policy has improved noticeably this term.
A friendly reminder that our school uniform is to be worn every day. our jade school polo shirt and dark blue bottoms. On cooler days, students are encouraged to wear Kingaroy SS jumpers which are available from Coppards, Lowes and Uniform Zone. Plain dark blue jumpers and jackets are also permitted. I discourage students from wearing brightly coloured or branded tops. If you require any help to send your children to school in uniform please don’t hesitate to contact me.
P&C Meeting: Our next P&C meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 9th August at 6pm in the library. I encourage all parents and carers to attend. There are a number of exciting fundraisers planned for the remainder of the year and the more parents involved the more successful these will be.
Prep Open Saturday: If you have a child starting Prep next year and you haven’t already attended a Prep information session I encourage you to come to this. A flyer is included in this newsletter.
Parent-Teacher Interviews: These are scheduled for Week 6 of this term. I encourage parents to meet with their child’s teacher to foster strong communication between the school and home. Information about how you can book a time to meet with your child’s teacher will be sent home later this week.
From the Deputy Principal
This week’s focus of the fortnight has been "Positive Play". Students have been discussing where to play, the importance of walking around buildings and the difference being kind to others can make in the world. To add to this, we celebrated International Friendship Day on Monday. The day was dedicated to honouring the essence of friendship and offered an opportunity for students to express gratitude towards their friends.
Fudooka Visit – We are very fortunate to have students and staff visiting Kingaroy from Fudooka High School in Japan tomorrow. This is a great opportunity for our students to learn about Japanese culture and make new friends. A huge thank you to Ms Kate Ireland and Mrs Danielle Carige for organising this special event for our students.
Science Week – Week 5 is Science Week. There will be lots of exciting things happening around the school including a butterfly hunt and lots of discussion about camouflage. Thank you to Miss Sarah Brookes for all the planning she has put into bringing Science Week to life.
PE News
During the July school holidays Jamychal participated in the State 10-11 years rugby league trials. He was fortunate to be selected to captain the Wide Bay team and also was awarded player of the match and players player. This is a fantastic achievement and we congratulate Jamychal.
In Week 2, 27 students from Kingaroy State School participated in the South Burnett Athletics carnival held at Nanango State High School. Our school had a great carnival collecting a whopping 22 ribbons. A number of our students have now been selected to attend the Wide Bay athletics trials in Bundaberg later this month. Congratulations to Sonny and Savannah for taking out Age Champion for their age group.
PE News
Class News - Prep S
PS have had a fun but busy start to term three. We celebrated our one hundredth day at school then under 8’s day the following week. We started looking at rhymes with the help from the Rhyme Crime Thief to kick start our English unit. In mathematics we are having fun measuring different objects with non-standard measurements. Finally, in science we are examining different materials to help decide what ones we should use for our wind chimes. Can’t wait to see what fun the rest of the term has install for PS. Here are some photos of term 3 so far:
Class News - Prep S
News from the Arts
Prep 2024
P&C News
Our Billy G's Cookie Dough fundraiser has finished!
Thank you everyone for your support! 997 tubs were sold!
Your cookie dough orders and incentive prizes will be delivered to Kingaroy State School soon. Keep an eye out for more information regarding the delivery day.
Dates to Remember
Saturday 5th August | Prep Play and Information Session |
Wednesday 9th August | P&C Meeting 6pm in the library |