Issue 7 12 May 2021
From the Principal's Desk
This week all students in Years 3 and 5 across Australia are engaging in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). These are a series of tests focused on basic skills that are administered annually. These standardised tests assess students' reading, writing, language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy skills.
P&C Meeting
It was great to see so many new faces at our most recent P&C meeting held late in Term 1. I look forward to working with this year’s P&C committee to support positive outcomes for all students at Kingaroy State School. Our next P&C meeting is tonight (Wednesday 12th May) at 6pm in the Library and I encourage all parents & carers to come along.
Religious Instruction
Religious Instruction (RI) has re-started at Kingaroy State School and will take place on Monday afternoons at 2pm prior to our whole-school parade. RI is delivered by volunteers of a faith group using instructional materials approved by that faith group. All RI instructors hold a blue card and participate in compulsory Student Protection and Code of Conduct training. A Kingaroy State School teacher will be present during the delivery of all RI lessons. Participation in RI is not compulsory and students who are not participating in RI will be provided with other instruction in a separate supervised location.
Last Friday our Senior Band competed in the annual Eisteddfod Music Competition. They finished 2nd in their category, well done to the band as well as our Instrumental Music teacher Mrs Nadine Gray for co-ordinating their participation.
Please discourage your child from bringing toys to school. Toys can get lost, stolen or broken. They can also be a distraction from their learning and schoolwork. Children are encouraged to use play equipment (junior and senior fort, balls, etc.) provided by the school at playtime. Thank you for your understanding with this.
Collecting students after school
Please be advised that school officially finishes at 3pm and there is no formal supervision of students after this time. I have noticed that some students are regularly being picked up late, sometimes after 3.30pm each day. This becomes a potential safety issue as staff often have meetings or undertake planning & preparation in the afternoons and therefore cannot actively supervise students. Please ensure that you have arrangements in place to collect your children promptly after 3pm. Occasionally parents may be running late for various reasons, please call the office if you know you will be late so plans can be made to ensure your child is supervised appropriately.
From the Deputy Principal's Desk
Class News- 5W
Big hello and welcome to 5W.
Can you believe that we are in week 4 already? The students of 5W have been working super hard this term.
In maths we have been working on multiples and factors. The students are working on being able to tell you if any number is in the 1,2,3,5, and 10 times tables. I challenge you to test them. We are also working super hard getting faster at our number facts.
In reading and writing we have been focusing on reading and interpreting persuasive feature articles. Students are looking at the opinions of the writer and why they have chosen to use certain vocabulary. This is leading them towards writing their own feature article later in the term. In the meantime, we are practicing creating strong TEEL paragraphs that will fit into our feature article. These are paragraphs that include a strong topic sentence about the paragraph (T), an explanation (E), evidence (E), and a link (L). Take a look at the piuctures below.
They have already earnt themselves a whole class reward through collecting peanuts around the school!! Plus, another whole class reward for behaviour in the classroom! They work towards colouring their class peanut before gaining a class reward and placing it in the 5W Shrine.
This week is also NAPLAN for our grade 3’s and 5’s. 5W is looking forward to giving it their best effort. Most of all they are looking forward to the ice block at the end of the day!
Great Job 5W
Another Way Students Can Spend Kingaroy Cash
Each Monday and Wednesday, students can come to the Rewards Shop that operates out of the Sports Hall Kitchen to spend their hard earned Kingaroy Cash. Big thanks to Miss Miller and the senior students for keeping the shop running.
Our Rewards Shop
Come and Support our P and C
P and C Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. This term these meeting dates are the 12 May and the 9 June. These meetings start at 6:00pm in the Resource Centre.
The P & C would like to thank parents who kindly donated gifts for their annual Mothers' Day Stall. The stall was a huge success, students were beaming as they left with their special gift for mum. We would also like to thank those wonderful parents who wrapped gifts and maned the stall. Thank you
Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club is open for business on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8:15am. Big thanks to Kingaroy Rotary and our school staff for running this. Our students really appreciate it.
Breakfast Club is a Hit!
Hi All,
The Premier's Reading Challenge started on Monday 10 May and closes on Friday 27 August. The challenge is open to all state, non-state and home-educated students from Prep to Year 9 as well as children (aged up to five years) enrolled at an early childhood centre, with the aim of encouraging enjoyment in reading and a life-long love of books.
During the challenge
- Each participant should fill out their school reader record form as they complete each book. (Forms will be available in the library and a master will go into pigeon holes)
- Students return their completed reading record form to their teacher or can hand it into the designated PRC container in the library.
To encourage students to participate there will be some prizes as a little incentive.
- Whole class challenge (like previous years)- There will be a space themed display for tracking class progress. The rocket will move up a star as reader forms are returned. One star per student. A whole class reward will be awarded for whole class participation. It's also pretty exciting to track progress and see how other classes are going!
- An individual prize will be awarded to our most avid readers. Students who complete multiple forms can submit them as well and they will be tallied at the end of the challenge. A prize will be issued per year level.
- Daily Prize draw- Each time a from is returned, students' name will go into a draw and a small prize awarded each week on parade. A great way to remind students to keep reading!
The PRC 2021 booklists have been developed. The books we have will be displayed and identified with an orange dot sticker. However, any books can be read.
Thankyou for your involvement in this year's Premier's Reading Challenge. Any questions, library staff are happy to assist. 🙂
Have a great week.
Library Staff
Kingaroy Show Prizes
It was fantastic to see so many of our students do so well at the Kingaroy Show with their art and school work. We were lucky engough to have Kyla the Kingaroy Miss Showgirl for 2021 at our Parade to present these awards.
Prizes Galore
Kingaroy Cluster Transitions Project
The Project aims to enhance existing orientation and transition activities for Year 6 students and will be expanded to include students in Years 5-8. Orientation should be considered as one part of the ‘big picture’ within the Transition process. (Our first Transitions Newsletter is below).
Supplementary data will be collected from students and parents/carers (Years 5-8) through term 2. A copy of the short survey is attached below. You are encouraged to complete this and return to your child’s classroom teacher, Kingaroy State High School or by email to The data will form an important collection to develop longer term goals and overall improvements in your child’s experiences moving from primary school to Kingaroy State High. Student surveys will be gathered at school visits. Thank you for your support with this.