Issue 4 15 March 2023
From the Deputy Principal
It has been another hectic fortnight at Kingaroy State School. It is hard to believe that Term 1 is drawing to a close. We are all looking forward to the Senior Swimming Carnival Thursday and are hoping to have lots of parents attend to support our students. Our current PBL focus is Manners and Mindfulness. Students have been doing an exceptional job of using their very best manners, while our teachers have been providing their classes with a variety of activities to ensure students are practising mindfulness. Challenge your student to see if they can explain to you why it is so important to be kind and polite, and how they can use mindfulness activities to help improve their resilience.
Artist in Residence – We are so excited that our P&C have kindly commissioned Arthur Conlon to complete another mural at our school. If you missed the opportunity to meet Arthur, or haven’t had the chance to see any of his work, check out the photos below. This has been a once in a lifetime opportunity for our students and we would like to say a massive thank you to Arthur, South Burnett Regional Council, Arts QLD, our P&C, Mrs Carmen Peddle, Mrs Leanne Broadbent, Mrs Courtney Turner, Mr Larry Cann and Mr Graeme Howell. Without this team this experience would not have been possible.
Artist - Arthur Conlon
Science - Our Year 1 students have been busy creating some amazing habitats for lots of different creatures in Science. It is great seeing all of the engaging, creative and age-appropriate learning activities happening around our school. These activities really help to bring the joy factor to the classroom and it is lovely to see the smiles on students’ faces as they engage in the learning.
Reflection Room - If your child receives Reflection Room for not upholding one of the Kingaroy State School Values, you will be notified via text message. The aim of Reflection Room is to provide a space for students to reflect on where things went wrong and to develop strategies to better cope should the situation arise in the future. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Class News
Wow! We cannot believe we are in week 8 of our learning journey in 1M. We have learnt so much this term, here are a few of our highlights;
Maths – learning how to program Blue-bots and use directional language.
Science – exploring living things, their needs and the habitats they live in.
English – examining the text Feathers for Phoebe and describing different characters using adjectives and verbs.
HASS – investigating natural, constructed and managed features in our environment.
Here are some photos of our learning this term.
PE News
On the 27th of February a number of our students were selected to try out for the South Burnett U12s softball and AFL teams. Congratulations to Claire McKeown for making the South Burnett Under 12s softball team and to Tyson Smith and Ezra for making the U12s AFL team.
On Wednesday 8th March the U12s district trials for soccer, netball and rugby league were held. Congratulations to Deegan Johannessen & Alex Williamson (soccer), Caleb Crouch (league) and Nellie Grahame (netball) for being selected in the South Burnett teams.
These students have been invited to participate in the Wide Bay trials held in Maryborough and Hervey Bay in April. Good luck!
Invited Student
P & C News
Date changes
Please be advised that there have been some date change for our Uniform Meeting and AGM.
Our AGM will now be held on Wednesday 29th March at 5.30 - 7pm in the school Library.
This meeting will involve a review of our achievements for the year, an outline of what we wish to achieve this year, and the election of our office bearers; President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. These positions are a great honor to hold and are essential if we are to provide services to your family such as the tuckshop and proposed uniform shop.
We are all everyday parents who are learning together, so consider taking on a position in our committee and come along to the AGM!
Our Uniform meeting will now be held on Wednesday 26th April at 5.30 - 7pm in the school Library.
We will look at materials, designs and processes and discuss as a group the pros and cons of each. From this we can gain an understanding of whether or not a change is necessary.
Nature Play Project
Work on the Yarning circle and nature play spaces is still to go ahead over the holidays. For more information, or if you are able to help, please contact the P&C president on 0493105595 or email
Dates to Remember
29th March AGM (voting in our office bearers for 2023) 5.30pm in Library
3rd – 6th April Nature Play work
12th – 15th April Nature Play work
26th April Uniform Meeting 5.30pm in Library
Kind Regards,
Kingaroy State School P&C Committee
From the Arts
Senior Choir Request for School ANZAC Day service
The Senior Choir will be performing at our annual school ANZAC Day service. To add to the performance, they are seeking photos of service men and women who have served or currently serving, from our school community. If your family would like to be involved, could you please send in a photo with the service personnel’s name and (if known) their service history. Mrs Carige will make a copy and return any originals as soon as she can. We hope to have each photo shown on the BIG SCREEN as the choir sings.
KSS Show Team Update
Our Kingaroy State School Show Team have been very busy with the South Burnett Show Circuit in full swing. Our students are really enjoying the opportunity to SHINE in Art, Education, Needlework and Photography sections.
Over the weekend, the students competed in the Proston Show with some fantastic results:
Prep Handwriting – 2nd Annabelle Cullen
Year 1 & 2 Handwriting – 1st Darcy Bliesner
Year 3 Painting – 1st Charlotte Schultz
Year 5 Drawing – 2nd Sasha Robinson
Year 6 Drawing – 1st Makenzi Porter
Our next show, is Murgon being held this weekend. We will be competing in the Photography, Craft, Art, Education and Colouring-In sections.
Swimming Carnival Information
Coeliac Awareness Week
Its Coeliac Awareness week from the 13th to 19th March. This year’s focus of the awareness campaign is to increase the awareness of Coeliac Disease within children.
Coeliac disease is a serious medical condition that commonly develops in childhood. It is estimated that approximately 1:70 Australian children have coeliac disease BUT a staggering 80% of those remain undiagnosed. Left undiagnosed, there is an increased risk of lifelong health complications.
Coeliac disease (pronounced seel-ee-ak) is an immune disease caused by gluten, a protein in wheat, rye, barley and oats. When people with coeliac disease eat gluten, an inappropriate immune reaction causes inflammation and damage to the small bowel (intestine). Untreated, coeliac disease can cause a range of symptoms and health problems. Treatment involves lifelong and strict avoidance of gluten in the diet and leads to healing of the bowel and better health.
Coeliac disease is a known ‘clinical chameleon’ and, as a result, a diagnosis of coeliac disease is commonly missed. This is particularly true of children who sometimes present with subtle signs and symptoms that mimic those of other conditions.
Sadly, undiagnosed coeliac disease in children can lead to poor health outcomes including impaired growth, delayed puberty, osteoporosis, increased risk of additional autoimmune disease and impaired school performance.
The earlier the diagnosis, the better. The diagnosis of coeliac disease is straightforward and starts with a blood test.
You should consider speaking with your GP if your child (or yourself) experience any of the following signs or symptoms (in any combination).
Common signs and symptoms:
- Diarrhoea, nausea and/or vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation
- Weight loss, failure to thrive or stunted growth
- Delayed puberty
- Behavioural and emotional issues including irritability, anxiety, difficulty concentrating and sleep problems
- Iron-deficiency anaemia
- Recurrent mouth ulcers
- Tiredness and lethargy
- Dental defects.
Dates To Remember
Date | Event |
13th March 2023 | Parent Teacher Interviews |
16th March 2023 | Senior Swimming Carnival |
23rd March 2023 | School Cross Country |
24th March 2023 | Epilepsy Purple Dress Day |
30th March 2023 | Easter Bonnet Parade Prep & Year 1 |