Issue 14 31 August 2022
From the Principals Desk
Welcome to Week 8,
School Photos:
A friendly reminder that School Photos are happening on Thursday 1st September. Order forms have been sent home with students, if you haven’t received yours please contact the office for a replacement order form. Please ensure your child is wearing full school uniform for these photos.
Student Free Day:
This Friday 2nd September is a Student Free Day. Staff will be at work engaging in planning and professional development. Students are not to attend school on this day.
Careers Day – Week 8:
Our Year 5 and 6 students are attending a Career’s Day on Tuesday 6th September. This event is co-ordinated by the University of the Sunshine Coast and is being held at Kingaroy TAFE. Students will travel to and from this event by bus.
Year 5 Camp:
Every year our year 5 students attend camp at Barambah Outdoor Education Centre. Thank you to Mrs Shannon Cullen (camp co-ordinator) and all the other staff members who are giving up their personal time to make this event possible. This is an exciting way for our year 5 students to end the term.
P&C Meeting:
The final P&C Meeting for Term 3 is happening on Wednesday 14th September. All parents and carers are welcome to attend.
From the Guidance Officer
Child Protection Week is 4th – 10th September, 2022.
The objectives of Child Protection Week are to:
- Raise the profile of all issues connected with child protection.
- Support and value professionals and volunteers working in child protection.
- Contribute to better outcomes for all children and young people, especially those who have been harmed or are at risk of harm.
Kingaroy SS students have created some artwork for display by local organisation Partners in Foster Care throughout Child Protection Week.
Class News 6M
Our Year 6 class has recovered well from our exciting but exhausting camp and are now finalising some of our assessment tasks. We certainly wish we were back at camp!!
English this term has taken inspiration from camp as we are writing a persuasive advertisement about Tallebudgera and the wonderful experience it was. We have used modality, figurative language (such as similes and metaphors) and very descriptive noun and verb groups to expand on the benefits of attending Yr 6 camp. Some of our writing examples are below. We are also using ICT skills to produce our final piece of writing following the drafting process.
We’ve done the Maths…at the end of this week there are only 12 weeks left before we are finished our Primary School journey. There are many activities and opportunities over the remainder of this term and next term to ensure we are as ready as we can be for the transition to high school.
Book Parade and PJ Night
Last Monday, Kingaroy State School held its annual PJ and Reading night. Families enjoyed a reading of three picture books from Staff, followed by the opening of the book fair and culminating in a supper of milo and a biscuit. Thank you to all families and Staff who supported this wonderful event on our school calendar. We look forward to seeing you all again in 2023!
Book Week Parade
Dates to Remeber
Dates | Event |
31 August 2022 | Instrument Music/Rewards Shop |
01 September 2022 | PHOTO DAY/Breakfast Club/Homework Club |
02 September 2022 | STUDENT FREE DAY |
05 September 2022 | Instrument Music/Rewards Shop/ Parade |
06 September 2022 | Breakfast Club/Homework Club/Rewards Parade/ Prep Play Date Information Session 4-5pm |
07 September 2022 | Instrument Music/Rewards Shop |
08 September 2022 | Instrument Music/Rewards Shop/Board Games Club 1st Break |
09 September 2022 | Ball Games Carnival/Breakfast Club/Homework Club/Reading Club Friday Morning 8.15 am in Library. |
12 September 2022 | Instrumental Music/ Rewards Shop |
13 -15 September 2022 | Yer 5 Camp |
14 September 2022 | P & C Meeting |
P & C News
Tuckshop News
Term 4 will see a change in some menu items at our tuckshop. Sharon will be busy over the holidays coming up with some yummy, nutritious, fresh summer meals to replace some of the winter items. If you have any ideas, or recipes we would love to know.
Term 4 will see the Slush Puppy machine make a special appearance! But only on Fridays.
Let your little kiddies know and slip them $2.50 on the way to school, or order online at QKR.
Special Thanks to our wonderful mum's who have volunteered their time in our tuckshop this term, Jody Labuschewski, Tara-lea Salmon, Shyla Kays, Alena Antrobus, Jade Anderson,
Teresa Wyles and Trudi Baxter. THANKYOU!!! To sign up to volunteer in Term 4 please visit
The P&C committee is looking to host a movie night under the stars at the end of the year.
A large movie screen will be set up on the school oval and families will have the opportunity to bring a blanket a beanbag or some chairs and enjoy a Christmas movie under the warm summer sky.
We are currently putting together a team of AWESOME PARENT HELPERS to get this super fun event into gear. If that sounds like you (AN AWESOME PARENT HELPER)... Please get in touch via the school office, attend our next P&C meeting, or email
Picture plate order forms and payments will need to be in by the end of week 9 (9th September).
Students will have the opportunity to create their masterpiece in class or at home this and next week.
Order forms for our Mango Fundraiser will go home next week. The cost per tray will be $25 and parents will have 6 weeks to raise and collect funds. Forms and money will be due back in Term 4 on 19th October. (We will send you reminders) Funds raised by the drive will go towards refurbishing our worn out basketball courts and the building of some school and community veggie gardens for our kids to learn from and enjoy.
Uniform Shop
The ball is rolling on plans for our own uniform shop on school grounds! The committee is looking for a small team of parents (2-3) who might be interested in running and co-ordinating the shop when it opens next year. If you can help with the planning leading up to its opening... Even better!
If this sounds like your kind of thing, Please get in touch via the school office, attend our next P&C meeting, or email
Caps Crusade
Unfortunately the P&C will not be collecting caps for the Caps Crusade at this present time.
Due to insufficient funding, the program which was based in Brisbane and run by a team of environmental warrior VOLUNTEERS has had to be suspended. Please do not send in your caps to school until further notice.
Our last P&C meeting for the Term will be on Wednesday 14th September (time to be confirmed).
The committee is in discussions as to whether an afternoon meeting will be better suited to parents or the traditional 6pm time. What are your thoughts? Let us know in a text msg 0493105595 or email It would be great if we could come together as a community to discuss and question what a good school might look like and how we as parents and the community can affect that change. We could discuss things such as... What is it you really want your kids to be learning at school? Are they learning important life skills? Is how they learn more important than what they learn? What do they need from teachers to help guide them to become resillient, compassionate, creative, responsible, respectful members of the community as they grow up?
What does a good teacher and a learning classroom look like? Do the students face the front of the room or each other? Does it sound noisy with lots of talking, conversing, debating and collaborating between classmates, or is it quiet? Does the teacher drive the learning or do the children? Is my child a happy learner at school? Why or why not? Worth a thought anyway. If we don't spend time asking these questions, how will we know if something is serving a purpose or
not? What if it could be improved or needs a complete directional shift? Asking questions opens doorways to awareness, collaboration and change. Not just small changes, but large ones such as changes to attitudes, beliefs and long standing policies and systems. Good things happen when we become curious and ask questions. And then amazing things happen! Have a great week! Hope to see you at a meeting.
Committee Members
President Karmen Cleveland Tuckshop Convenor Sharon Dale
Vice President Samantha Hartshorn Fundraising Co-ordinator Tara Damhuis
Secretary Amy Turner Uniform shop convenor …...................