Issue 13 17 August 2022
From the Principals Desk
Welcome to Week 6,
School Opinion Survey – extended until this Friday:
The School Opinion Survey has been extended by one week until Friday, 19th August 2022 to allow for more parents to submit their response . Currently 25% of families have completed their survey.
To have your say, please check your email for an invitation from the Department of Education titled School Opinion Survey for parents and caregivers, 2022.
Can’t find your invitation? If your family has more than one parent/caregiver, check that they haven’t received the invitation and/or check your junk mail folder. I encourage all families to complete the survey as your feedback is extremely valuable.
Student Free Day – Friday 2nd Sept:
Friday of Week 8 (September 2nd) is a state-wide student free day. The school will be closed to students on this day and staff will be undertaking important professional development.
P&C Meeting – today 3.15pm:
The next P&C meeting is happening this afternoon at 3.15pm in the Library. All parents and carers are welcome.
Rugby League Gala Day:
Our School is participating in an upcoming Rugby League Gala Day. Trials are happening for interested students this week and students who are selected from the team will be notified and given permission notes to return to school.
Welcome Amanda Collins:
Please join me in welcoming Amanda Collins to our teaching team. Amanda will be working as a District Relief Teacher for the remainder of the year. Given the current state-wide staff shortages resulting from COVID-19 we are very fortunate to have Amanda join our team for this period of time.
School Photos:
A friendly reminder that School Photos are happening on Thursday 1st September. Order forms have been sent home with students, if you haven’t received yours please contact the office for a replacement order form.
From the Deputy Principal- Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Update
Over the last two weeks students have been focussing on identifying their emotions and looking at strategies that they can use to calm themselves when they feel that they are heading for the Yellow or Red Zones. It is important to know how we and others are feeling, because every day at different times during the day, feelings can change. If the students know what Zone they are in we can use strategies to help them with their learning. It is ok to be in different zones, but we have to make positive choices.
Class News
Year 6 Camp
Our Year 6 classes have returned happy but very tired from our week-long camp to Tallebudgera. Throughout the week we had the opportunity to bushwalk, go tubing and kayaking in Tallebudgera Creek and conquer some fears in the Tree Top challenge at Currumbin. We were up early every morning watching the sun sparkle on the ocean as we went for our beach walks. The beach provided a great place for body boarding and sand play! Camp was designed around the theme of “Awaken the Hero Within” and we learnt about Warrior, Guardian, Champion and Mastermind Heros and which hero we identify with most! Year 6 have come back to school understanding more about themselves and their classmates and thank the school staff and our families for giving us this opportunity.
“Camp was fun and exciting and we got to do lots of amazing activities” Kate J
“Camp was a thrill and full of adrenaline-based activities.” Nate
“This was the best week of school so far!!!” Sakura
“Take us back!!!!!!” Said ALL of Year 6
P & C News
Updated tuckshop menu.
Dates to Remember
Date | Event |
22 August | Book Week |
22 August | Parent Teacher Interviews |
22 August | PJ and Book Reading Night (5.30pm - 7.00pm) - Library. |
23 August | Breakfast Club, Homework Club. |
23 August | Instrumental Music, Rewards Shop. |
25 August | Book Week Parade (9.15am to 10.00am) |
25 August | Breakfast Club, Homework Club, Japanese Club, Boardgames Club. |
26 August | Breakfast Club, Homework Club. |
29 August | Instrumental Music, Rewards, Parade 2.30pm. |
30 August | FREE DRESS DAY - RELAY FOR LIFE - gold coin donatons |
31 August | Instrumental Music, Community Patrnerships Meeting - 3.30pm. |
1 September | SCHOOL PHOTO DAY |
2 September | STUDENT FREE DAY |