Issue 11 20 July 2022
From the Principals Desk
Welcome Back,
It has been fantastic welcoming back all our students to a new semester. Classes have began the new term well, and there is lots of engaged learning happening in every classroom that I visit. An especially warm welcome to all the new families to Kingaroy State School this semester, I know your children will enjoy their time here at Kingaroy State School.
Welcome Miss Brookes: We have a new addition to the school’s teaching team, Miss Sarah Brookes. Miss Brookes will be teaching 6F this term, as Mrs Fairbairn is acting as the school’s Support Teacher Literacy & Numeracy. I would like to welcome Miss Brookes to our school and the KSS staff. Miss Brookes completed a very successful final practicum placement here last term and has settled in extremely well to her new class.
Mrs Trish on Leave: Our Head of Inclusion, Mrs Trish Emslie, will be on leave for the duration of this term. Her position is being filled by Miss Glenis Miller. I’d like to congratulate Miss Miller on her appointment to this position and wish Mrs Emslie a relaxing time whilst on leave.
Thank-you P&C: Over the winter break there was considerable facilities work undertaken which was funded by a grant which was successfully applied for the P&C. All the school’s Shade Sails have been replaced, including the one near the Prep precinct which was damaged by a storm over 12 months ago. Our new shade sails look great. Also, the Prep playground was expanded and extended and wheelchair/pram access was created for the hall for easier access from William St. On behalf of Kingaroy SS, I would like the thank the P&C for their support with the funding to complete this work.
Homework Club: We are trialling a change to Homework Club this term, it will be taking place before school as opposed to after school which is when it has been running for the past 3 terms. This trial is to support the staffing of this initiative and also to open up opportunities for students to attend who may not have been able to attend when it was held in the afternoon. Expressions of Interest to participate in this program will be going home soon.
District Athletics Carnival: Many of our students will be away from school on Friday, representing Kingaroy SS at the South Burnett District Athletics Carnival which is being held at Taabinga State School. Students who are successful at this carnival may be invited to represent our district at the upcoming Wide Bay Regional Athletics Carnival. I would like to wish all the students who are representing our school the very best for their events.
Report Cards:Report Cards have been sent home with your child/ren today.
From the Guidance Officer
This week I am very excited to introduce the newest member of our school wellbeing team, Social Worker Ms Amy Woodman.
Ms Amy will be working at Kingaroy SS on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. Some of Ms Amy’s role at our school will involve running small group socio-emotional wellbeing programs, supporting student engagement in learning, and providing a counselling service.
Ms Amy is a qualified Social Worker and counsellor with a passion for working with children and young people. She has worked and lived in the NT, PNG, and Melbourne but has recently moved to the South Burnett with her partner and 3 dogs. Ms Amy enjoys bike riding and is looking forward to exploring the rail trail. She is excited to be working in the school and looking forward to meeting students and working with our wonderful school community.
We are very pleased to have Ms Amy’s services now available for our students and warmly welcome her. If you would like to discuss a referral to Ms Amy, please be in touch with me Jennifer Davies, Guidance Officer via email
Class News
NAIDOC Week Activities
NAIDOC Week is a celebration held every year and lasts for one week. At Kingaroy State School we have a day where we celebrate this event. We begin the day we a parade. Edith Toms was our guest speaker. She spoke about The Torres Strait Islands, flags and her tribes special dances. Our Indigenous Student Leaders spoke about how being a leader has increased their confidence to speak in front of groups even though it was scary at first and advised future leaders not to be too scared to go for the position, because this has been the best experience so far. Each class had activities organised by their teachers during the day.
NAIDOC stands for ‘National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Day Observance Committee’. This is when we celebrate the culture, history and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
PE News
Well done to Patterson who played at Maroochydore in the Under 12 Wide Bay Rugby League team.
Upcoming Events
Date | Activities |
Wednesday, 20 July | Instrumental Music/Rewards Shop/Tuckshop Day/Newsletter Day P&C Meeting |
Thursday, 21 July | Breakfast Club/ECDP/Social Worker AmyPrep Rewards Shop/Japanese Club 1st Break/Boardgames Club 1st Break/Tuckshop Day |
Friday, 22 July | Breakfast Club/Tuckshop Day/District Athletics Carnival PJ Day - The whole school are invited to wear their PJs on this day - a gold coin donation is required in support of children in Out of Home Care. |
Monday, 25 July | Instrumental Music/Rewards Shop/Parade 2.30pm |
Tuesday, 26 July | Breakfast Club/Social Worker |
Wednesday, 27 July | Instrumental Music/Rewards Shop/Tuckshop Day |
Thursday, 28 July | Instrumental Music/Rewards Shop/Tuckshop Day/ Social Worker |
Friday, 29 July | Breakfast Club/Tuckshop Day/BOOKCLUB Issue 5 due back |
Monday, 1 August | Year 6 Camp/Instrumental Music/Rewards Shop. Parade 2.30pm |
Tuesday, 2 August | Year 6 Camp/ Breakfast Club/ Social Worker/Evacuation Drill |
Wednesday, 3 August | Year 6 Camp/Instrumental Music/Rewards Shop/Tuckshop Day/Newsletter Day |
Book Week
P & C News
Look What we did!!!
Have you noticed all of the work that went on at the school over the holidays? All of these were organised and funded by our P&C thanks to a successful grant application in December. Thank you to all of the hard working, amazing people who helped to make this happen. And thank you to the school and Mr T for assisting us with getting these improvements initiated.
The grant included 6 new shade sails, a pathway for greater access to the hall, new fencing around prep area for more play space and retaining wall to prepare for our yarning circle.
Thanks to Wards, RBM Industries, Boonenne Timbers, TP concreting, DJ Fencing Solutions, Mitch Johnson and Leanne Cordero.
The next few months will see the P&C getting more active with fundraisers both within the school community as well as the outer community to help raise money for things such as the re-furbishment of the school basketball courts, raised vegetable gardens (to help keep tuckshop expenses down), support for students representing the community in sporting events, as well as other useful things. Your donations are appreciated, but never expected. We understand times are tough, which is why we are looking to raise funds outside of the school as much as possible. If you are able to assist with any fundraising ideas, or co-ordinating events... this would be great! Please come along to our next meeting and share your thoughts. Or, leave your ideas with the ladies at the office to pass along to the committee.
Thankyou to all of you for being patient during this turbulent re-forming and transitioning of our tuckshop. The road has been exceptionally rocky and a closer look at behind the scenes would reveal many, many, many different situations that have been very difficult to predict and manage.
We have all been trying our best. To add to this, last Friday a faulty power point caused us a power outage for an hour (with 35 pizzas still waiting to cook), and recently over the weekend, we were broken into twice. Very unfortunate indeed. Regarding the menu, constructive criticism and feedback is essential and welcomed. My daughter has become very good at telling me what is working and what most definitely is not! Thankyou Isabelle.
Please continue to put your name down to volunteer as this is an essential part of the tuckshop runnings. You can visit this link: Thankyou to those mum's who have already helped out. I am wrapped to have you onboard! If you have any questions I am sure Sharon would love to hear from you. Please call the school on 4160 4333 (option 2)
Have a great week people!!!
Our next meetings are as follows:
Wednesday, 20 July 3.15 – 4.15pm in the Hall
Wednesday, 17 August 6pm in the Library
Wednesday, 14th September (time to be confirmed)
Kind regards,
Karmen Cleveland (President)
Our Progress
Community News
Homestead Country Music Clubs Youth Talent Expo. This expo is a great opportunity for kids to showcase their talent (singing and instrumental) and win some amazing prizes as well as meet likeminded kids and make new friends. We hope this interests some of your students and they join us on August 6th at the Youth Talent Expo. Entry forms are available from the school office.