Issue 10 22 June 2022
From the Principals Desk
Welcome to Week 10!
This is the final newsletter for Semester 1. On behalf of all the staff at Kingaroy State School I would like to wish all our students and their families a safe and happy winter break. Term 3 starts on Monday 11th July.
Semester 1 Report Cards:
These are being finalised by teachers over the course of this week and will go home early next term. This has been a unique term, with teaching and learning time significantly impacted by COVID-19 and a severe flu season. We will be offering parent-teacher interviews next term and I would encourage all parents to take up this opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher.
Farewell Jill Cartmill:
Mrs Cartmill will be formally retiring at the end of this semester. Jill gave many years of dedicated service to this school and will be missed by students and staff alike. On behalf of the entire KSS community I would like to thank Jill Cartmill for her many years of hard work. Her passion for Music will be missed by our students. I’d like to wish Jill all the very best for her retirement and the next, exciting phase of her life.
Student Illness:
Kingaroy and the South Burnett continues to be significantly impacted by COVID-19 and the flu. Please support the health and wellbeing of Kingaroy SS students and staff by keeping your children home if they are sick or exhibiting flu symptoms.
Term 3 Calendar:
Today all parents will receive an email containing our Term 3 calendar. A detailed weekly calendar is also published every Sunday on our school Facebook page. Listed below are activities happening over the next 2 weeks.
Date | Activities |
Monday, 27 June | School Holiday Commence |
Monday, 11 July | School Resumes/Instrumental Music/Rewards Shop/Parade 2.30pm |
Tuesay, 12 July | ECDP/Social Worker Amy |
Wednesday, 13 July | Instrumental Music/Rewards Shop/Tuckshop Day |
Thursday, 14 July | ECDP/Social Worker Amy/Prep Rewards Shop/Boardgames Club 1st Break/Tuckshop Day |
Friday, 15 July | Tuckshop Day |
Monday, 18 July | Instrumental Music/Rewards Shop/Parade 2.30pm |
Tuesday, 19 July | Breakfast Cub/Homework Club/ECDP /Social Worker Amy Prep Play Date Information Session – indoor activities (4-5pm) |
Wednesday, 20 July | Instrumental Music/Rewards Shop/Tuckshop Day/Newsletter Day P&C Meeting |
Thursday, 21 July | Breakfast Club/Homework Club/ECDP/Social Worker Amy Prep Rewards Shop/Japanese Club 1st Break/Boardgames Club 1st Break/Tuckshop Day |
Friday, 22 July | Breakfast Club/Homework Club/Tuckshop Day/District Athletics Carnival |
Class News 6W
The students of 6W are nearly half way through their final year of primary school! Throughout this year, 6W have been taking on leadership roles across the school. At the start of the term, we had the opportunity to participate in Grip Leadership day. We have been able to use those skills throughout the school including participating in Buddy Reading with P/1B, help out at Prep playtime, sports events and under 8s day.
We have also been hard at work in class. This semester we have had the opportunity to read Wonder by R.J. Palacio which focuses around the effects of bullying and choosing kindness. This has prompted a lot of class discussion, including our English assessment where students are arguing whether a narrative book or an information text about bullying is more effective.
In maths, we have been working hard on our number skills. This includes speed number facts that often feature addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Most recently we have been looking at time and timetables, to be able to plan events and journeys.
Mould is a hot topic in year 6 at the moment. We have had the opportunity to investigate the best place to store cheese to ensure that it doesn’t grow mould. To do this we have had to place cheese in different places to discover if mould grows or not. All in the name of science!
Last week we held our annual Interhouse Athletics Carnival. It was a fantastic two days with students of all ages participating in a range of track and field events. A big thank-you to our groundsman Mr Graeme Howell for getting our oval looking amazing and helping to set up the days events. A big thank-you also to our Student Leadership Team for running events during our Junior School Athletics morning.
This year an extra big congratulations needs to go to Savannah-Rose Leedie who set a new high jump record of 103cm, for 9 year old girls. This record was previously set 19 years ago in 2003.
Well done to our age champions:
9 years boys: Sonny Wairau | 9 years girls: Savannah-Rose Leedie |
10 years boys: Seth Wairau | 10 years girls: Nellie Grahame |
11 years boys: Seth Hicks | 11 years girls: Jameliah Langton |
12 years boys: Bryansen Phillips-Petersen | 12 years girls: Alexis |
And finally great work to all houses. Congratulations to Russell House for winning the carnival.
Athletics Carnival 2022
Well done to Patterson Braithwaite who was selected for the Wide Bay Touch Team who played at Whitehill in Brisbane from Thursday 16 to Sunday 19 June. Patterson achieved the Most Improved Player for the Wide Bay Team.
Helping our Buddies on Athletics Day
On the junior athletics day, the grade 6s got to demonstrate and teach our P/6N buddies how to do long jump. They all had fun and earnt points for their houses. Some of our P/6N buddies were so brave and leaped solo after our amazing long jump lesson. We all became long jump champions together. During the running races, our buddies were filled with joy and had big smiles all round. The Year 6's were honoured to teach our P/6N buddies and have so much fun with them.
Written by Ethan Mclean 6M