Issue 9 8 June 2022
From the Principals Desk
Welcome to Week 8,
Semester 1 Report Cards: Our teachers are currently working hard to assess student work and create their Semester 1 Report Cards. Like the past two years, Report Cards will not be sent home until Week 3, Term 3. This will allow students maximum time to complete units of work right up until the end of term. This is especially important this semester given many students did not attend school for the first two weeks of Term 1 due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Diamond Behaviour Parades: Every term we celebrate students who consistently demonstrate excellent behaviour in both the class and the playground at our Diamond Behaviour Parades. These are happening next Tuesday morning. The senior school parade is for years 3-6 and starts at 9.15am. The junior school parade for years Prep to 2 starts at 9.50am. Congratulations to all students who receive Diamond and Platinum Behaviour certificates this year.
New Business Manager – Felicity Reinke: Please join me in welcoming our new Business Manager, Felicity Reinke, to Kingaroy State School. Felicity comes to our school as a highly regarded administrator from QLD Health.
P&C Meeting: Our next P&C Meeting is being held tonight Wednesday, 8 June in the Hall. Over the past few years P&C Meetings have been held at 6pm, however we are changing this to 3.15pm to cater to parents who may prefer the earlier start. All parents and carers are encouraged to attend.
Tuckshop Volunteers: It is great to have the Tuckshop open once again and I’d like to thank the P&C Committee for their hard work in facilitating this. The P&C is still in need of volunteers for Thursdays and Fridays, if you can spare any time please contact the P&C President Karmen Cleveland at 0493 105 595 or via the school office at 4160 4333.