Issue 8 25 May 2022
From the Principals Desk
Welcome to Week 6,
Winter Carnival postponed: Unfortunately, the South Burnett District Sports Committee have had to postpone the upcoming Winter Sports Carnival until further notice. This is due to the heavy recent rain impacting on the surfaces of the various venues. The new date for the Winter Carnival will be announced as soon as possible.
Oval Wet: The heavy recent rains have also impact on us here at Kingaroy State School. Our oval was closed for much of last week and so far for all of this week. This is due to significant amounts of mud and surface water. We are fortunate that we do have a smaller grassed area available where the old school house used to be located.
Staffing changes: Mrs Kylie Ledger joins our teaching team as a Local Relief Teacher. Please join me in welcoming her to Kingaroy State School. Ms Jenny Lowien will be leaving us at the end of the week to take up the position of Acting Principal at Kioma State School. Her Technologies subject will be taught by Mr Macaulay Morrison.
Homework Club: We run a Homework Club on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. If your child is enrolled in Homework Club please remind them of their selected day as it can cause challenges for staff if they have to track down students who attend school but then leave prior to Homework Club.
Athletics Carnivals: Our school Athletics Carnivals are happening soon. Our Junior Athletics Carnival is scheduled for Wednesday 15th June and our Senior Carnival is happening on Thursday 16th June. Further information will be sent out prior to these events.
Diamond Behaviour Parade: This is an important event every term here at Kingaroy SS, where students are recognised for demonstrating great behaviour throughout the term. This is happening on Tuesday 14th June. As always, the students who receive awards will receive a tasty treat later that morning.
From the Deputy Principal- PBL Update
This fortnight the students have been focussing on- Following Instructions First Time Every Time. Classes have been completing activities to rienforce this idea. Kingaroy Cash has been given to students who can display this throughout the week. Coming up over the next few weeks our WOWs kick into gear. Student can use the Kingaroy Cash they have saved to access any on the following WOWS- Maccas WOW, Sushi WOW, Sausage Sizzle WOW and Crazy Hair WOW. These are very popular with students and are a great reward for hard work and good behaviour.
My New Gallery
Cops in Kilts
During the week were lucky enough to experience a performance from the Cops in Kilts. The students had a great time singing and clapping along to the performance.
Cops in Kilts
Class News - The Arts
Students of Kingaroy State School have been given a rare opportunity to learn some new art skills.
Local artist Evelyn Morrison has been working with classes at Kingaroy State School to introduce students to the wonderful world of pastels. The highly creative artist encourages young learners to explore a different medium while having the opportunity to express themselves in an imaginative way. Workshops with artists can sometimes be costly, but thanks to the Regional Arts Development Fund, supported by South Burnett Council and Arts Queensland, all students at Kingaroy State Primary School were given the opportunity to be involved.
South Burnett Regional Council representative, Councillor Danita Potter recently visited the school to meet with local artist Evelyn Morrison and Kingaroy State School students during one of their art experiences.
Pastel artist Evelyn Morrison gets creative with Kingaroy Students Stella, Sophie, Bryansen and Jaynie.
Senior student Jaynie and Yr 3 student Stella thank Councillor Danita Potter and Arts Queensland for the chance to work with Artist Evelyn Morrison.
P & C News
I would like to Thank and Welcome Tara Damhuis onto the committee as our new Secretary. Your humour and willingness to be part of the big picture are a great asset to this committee!
Thankyou and Welcome to Grace Tewes for taking on Vice President.
A huge Thank you to Candice Braithwaite, Samantha Hartshorn and Sharon Dale who have stepped down from Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Your input and time helping with the running of our committee has been greatly valued and appreciated.
A very warm and excited Welcome to Michelle Kerr who will be the new convenor at our Tuckshop. Michelle (mum to Emily in grade 3) absolutely can't wait to get things up and running and is looking forward to connecting, laughing and working with mum's who wish to share the joy of the Tuckshop experience.
Tuckshop is set to open on Wednesday 1st June.
Orders will be taken via the QKR app as was done so previously
For everything to run smoothly we will need some parent helpers to volunteer their time.
This will ensure our tuckshop can stay open and provide yummy delicious snacks to our little people.
Your child will absolutely love seeing you spending time helping out at the school!
If you can help, please click on the following link.
You can view the days which volunteers are needed and pick which one best suits you!
Too easy.
Lets talk about how to make school a great place for our kids to enjoy.
Premier's Reading Challenge
The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is an annual state-wide initiative. The challenge is not a competition but aims to improve literacy and encourage children to read widely for pleasure and learning.
For a student to successfully complete the challenge they must read or experience the allocated number of books for their year level during the reading period.
Reading period - 9 May - 26 August
Prep to Year 4- 20 books
Year 5 and Year 6 - 15 books
Students who complete the challenge have their efforts recognised through a Certificate of Achievement signed by the Premier of Queensland.
School Reader Record Forms will be available from the library, a copy attached and a master in pigeon holes.
- Students fill out their form.
- Return forms to their teacher or hand straight into container in library. *students can complete multiple forms if they wish. There will be a prize for most avid reader from each year level at the end of the challenge.
To encourage students to read and return their forms there will be a draw on parade each Monday.
As a class students can add to their list any books read during reading groups, silent reading, books read at home or read to by a teacher. There will also be a display of books in the library that the Premier has handpicked for the challenge. (books will have an orange dot sticker with PRC 2022)
Our goal as a school is to aim for 100% student participation.
Looking forward to your help in promoting this with your students.
Kind regards