Issue 18 10 November 2021
From the Principals Desk
Welcome to Week 6!
P&C Working Bees: A warm thank you to all the families who have supported the P&C working bees that have been held over the past two weekends. The turn out has been great and the gardens are starting to look amazing. It has been fantastic to see so much community engagement with these working bees, your time and effort are greatly appreciated. A special thank you to our P&C President Karmen Cleveland and her committee for co-ordinating these days.
Semester 2 Report Cards: Semester 2 Report Cards will be sent home with students, along with their 2022 Class information, on Wednesday 8th December (Week 10). If your child will not be at school that day please let the office know on 4160-4333 so arrangements can be made to post these documents to you.
P&C Meeting tonight: The second last P&C Meeting for 2022 will be held tonight at 6pm in the library. I encourage all parents and carers to attend. A warm thank you to those parents who are involved in our P&C. If you have ever considered joining our P&C I would urge you to come along to tonight’s meeting.
Junior Swimming Block: Years Prep to 2 will be undertaking their swimming block starting Thursday 18th November. Their timetable is included in this newsletter. The cost of these swimming lessons is fully subsidised by the school to encourage maximum participation by our students.
From the Deputy Principal
From the Guidance Councilor
The Butterfly Foundation is offering a FREE live webinar for parents to provide important tips on supporting positive body image in children and teens.
Let's Talk Body Confident Children and Teens
For: Parents/carers of primary and secondary age children
Covers: Body image influences | Importance of positive body image| Positive role modelling | Reducing toxic body talk| Responding to appearance bullying | What to do if concerned
Date: Monday, 22nd November 2021
Time: 7pm - 8.15pm (AEDT)
Format: Live, via Zoom (no recording)
Webinar registration: BCCT for BKF
Raising Children have a new free app Raising Healthy Minds. This app can be tailored to your child, family and interests. It answers your questions about child wellbeing and shares practical tips for your day-to-day family life. This app might be helpful in building your child’s wellbeing, encouraging positive behaviour and emotions, strengthening family relationships and looking after yourself. Visit for a link to download.
Whole School Transition
Hi Everyone,
Attached is the timetable for the Whole School Transition Sessions, taking place in Week 9, from 2-3pm.
The aim of the sessions is to allow student to see their prospective learning area, meet possible teachers and to give them a feel for what their next year of learning may look like.
The plan is for :-
- Students are to take their bags with them to the transition class.
- Parents who collect students from their regular class will need to meet them at the transition class.
Kind regards
Trish Emslie
Head of Inclusive Services
Class News - PS
PE News
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
This term all students from Prep to Year Two will be participating in school swimming. The school will be coving all costs for these sessions. Lessons will include water awareness and introduce basic swimming skills. Students will be primarily using the indoor learn to swim pool and the outdoor wading pool.
Students will be walked across to the pool via the school crossing prior to their allocated lesson time. Those who forget their swim gear or whose caregivers wish for them not to participate will stay at school with a buddy class.
Please look at the timetable and if your child is swimming at 9:15am or 10:00am please send them to school already dressed in their swimming gear. Any late arrivals need to be signed in at the office and go to buddy class if their class is already at the pool. Please have sunscreen on your child – particularly if they have allergies to generic school provided sunscreen
If you child has had diarrhoea within the past 48 hours they are not permitted to attend lessons.