Issue 16 13 October 2021
From the Principals Desk
Welcome to Term 4, it has been great to see how well students have settled back into their routines. A warm welcome to all the new students and their families who have enrolled at Kingaroy State School this term. Term 4 is always an extremely busy term, with some key events including;
- Summer Sports Carnival
- Junior swimming block (Prep to 2)
- Year 6 Graduation
- Christmas Concert
- Semester 2 Report Cards
Summer Sports Carnival
This is happening on Friday 22nd October. Please return your child’s permission note if you have not done so already. As all the events in this carnival are being held away from school, students will be unable to participate if they have not returned their permission notes.
Parent Requests for 2022
Parents are invited to make an appointment to meet with the Principal if they have any preferences for their child’s class the following year. This may include a preferred teacher or classmates. Parents can do this until the end of Week 3 of Term 4. Whilst parental preferences are not guaranteed, every effort is made to ensure that our classes are as successful as they can be to start the new year.
Welcome back Mrs Carige
We warmly welcome back Mrs Danielle Carige to the KSS team this term. Danielle has been away for the last 6 months working as Principal at Morven State School. Mrs Carige continues with her Inclusion role and Miss Kate Ireland will be teaching Japanese for the remainder of the term.
Prep Open Day – Saturday 16th October
Do you have a child going into Prep in 2022 but you struggle to make it to weekday Prep transition events due to work or other commitments? We are holding a Prep Information & Play session on Saturday 16th October. All families are welcome.
From the Deputy Principal
From the Guidance Officer
Supporting your child’s resilience:
The Fear-Less program is now available online FREE for Queensland parents! Fear-Less is about giving your family strategies, skills, and knowledge to manage anxious feelings, and stop unnecessary worrying. Fear-Less is based on extensive research with families of anxious children. The program aims to:
- Help children develop their own toolkit of coping skills to overcome anxiety.
- Break the cycle of anxiety and avoidance, in a safe and gradual way.
- Understand what’s within your control to change.
- Improve family relationships.
- Help parents to enjoy parenting!
If you would like to learn more or sign up visit:
Mrs. Jennifer Davies
Guidance Officer
Darling Downs South West Region Student Services
Next Thursday 14th October is Wear Purple Day at
Kingaroy State School.
Students can wear purple Free Dress to support
QLD’s Mental Health Week.
3T is the place to be!
Welcome back to what is a very busy term 4!
This term 3T is very busy. In English we are learning to adapt and present a sensory poem. We are exploring the senses of sight, sound and touch to create a poem about a specific setting. Later in the term we are visiting the Bunya Mountains to help us write our poems.
In Maths we are currently looking at chance and data, collecting, displaying and interpreting information. We will also be exploring multiplication and fractions later in the term.
Ever gone to the cupboard to get a chocolate and found it has melted into a chocolatey puddle? Yuck! Well, this term 3T is exploring the changing states of matter and why chocolate and other solids turn into liquid. We will also investigate how to turn those liquids back into solids!
Miss Humphrey’s is helping our class learn to put movements to a story to create a dance and we are also going to finally make our delicious and healthy sandwiches.
On top of all of this we will also be learning another dance for the end of year concert, and the 8 year old’s will participate in the Junior Swimming Carnival. PHEW!
Old McDonalds Farm
On Monday our Prep students and students from P/6A had a visit from Old McDonalds Farm. The kids were able to hold and cuddle an assortment of animals. We started with reminders on how to care for and handle the animals and THEN we were allowed to go into the enclosure. We could brush the goats and the lambs, hold the hens and pat a rabbit. Mrs BB's favourite was Peanut the goat who kept chewing her shoe laces. Rocket the goat also loved chewing hats. (All hats were safe, he just sucked them.)
P & C News
Have you got a great idea for a fundraising event? Are there any school resources you would like to request? Any ideas for enhancing the school grounds or any projects or services you think would benefit our school? Now is the perfect time to let us know.
Becoming involved in the P&C does not mean you have to turn up to every meeting or donate your life savings, or be at every sausage sizzle or Mother’s Day Stall.
As a friend continues to remind me... we are part of a team with different capacities, capabilities, availability and priorities.
Let us play to our strengths people!
Some of us love hard work... some despise it, some are fantastic with technology... whilst others, like me are terrible. Maybe you have a hobby that would be great for the kids to learn. I know the toilet blocks could use a good coat of paint. No matter what our strength is, we can use it to achieve the same goal;
To provide the best opportunities for learning and support whilst our children grow into the people they wish to be. We want our kids to love school and to learn all of the skills they need to become successful in navigating life.
We are extremely fortunate to have an open minded and compassionate leadership team at KSS who are willing to hear our voice as parents and help make our ideas compatible with the long- term goals and wellbeing of the school.
So... tell us your wonderful ideas and we will use our amazing team working skills to make it happen.
Just a few friendly reminders...
The next meeting will be held tonight on Wednesday 13th October at 6pm in the school library. Items in the agenda will include such things as talks about upcoming fundraisers, possible recycling initiatives, and possible opportunities for guest speakers at the school. Please email me any ideas or queries you may have at klc383@hotmail.comns
I will be continuing to work on the gardens around the school over the upcoming weeks and would love an extra couple of helping hands to spread some mulch. If you are a “hard yakka” kind of person, this may be the perfect job for you. Please let the office staff know.
Kind Regards,
Karmen Cleveland
Therapy Doods
Hello Kingaroy SS! We hope you had a great holiday! Ours was restful with lots of time spent in the blue zone, and Yarn really didn’t have a bath for the whole two weeks: eww!
We have two exciting pieces of news for you. First, Yarn and I have gone out on our own to focus mostly on working in schools. To do this we had to have a name change. Can you guess what it is? Here’s a hint:
What do you call a Therapy Dog that is a labradoodle?
It’s a Therapy Dood! So that is our new name: The Therapy Doods. Our second piece of news is that Yarn’s ginger “fur brother” Augie has earned his Therapy Dog learner license! That means that he is accredited and ready to join us occasionally. Now because Augie is accredited at a learner level, he might need some help to learn how to behave in a school. We want him to feel calm and safe, like he’s in the green zone. You can help Augie to stay in the green zone by being calm yourself. Try taking a big breath and letting it out slowly before saying hello. And remember that we never run up to or crowd animals, and we always ask before touching them.
We will see you soon,
Kate & The Doods
Yarn and Augie rocking their new uniforms
Day for Daniel
SAVE THE DATE - Friday 29th Oct - 'Day for Daniel' wear red day.
Our school focus will be
- Wear red - a splash of red to start the conversation (16th year anniversary).
- Educate - links to resources and activities to assist when teaching our students the importance of 'recognise/react/report' to keep safe.
- Donate - gold coin donation to raise funds to develop child safety resources and to support young victims of crime.
Lost Hats
We have had a little girl lose 2 Minecraft hats last week. If you have seen these hats can you please return to the school office. Thank you.